National Lampoon’s Presents Ajatashatru Oghash Rathod’s European Vacation

" 'All sufficiently advanced technology is indiscernible from magic.' At the time, the child has not understood. So the man had explained: 'What that means, quite simply, is that things which are banal for me, can seem magical to you; it all depends on the technological level of the society in which you grow up.'... Continue Reading →

There’s a Fine Line Between Genius and Insanity; Your Wet Bed May Have Tipped the Scales

“‘Serial killers ruin families,’ shrugged Bob. ‘Corporate and political and religious psychopaths ruin economies. They ruin societies.’ We aren't all good people just trying to do good. Some of us are psychopaths. And psychopaths are to blame for this brutal, misshapen society. They’re the rocks thrown into the still pond.” Religious cult leaders… psychopaths, CEO’s... Continue Reading →

A House is Not a Home

"In Guyana the night is dark, true dark. In Guyana the night piles thick and velvet. Prussian blue from the ground beneath your feet to high above your head. It is all around you, not confined just to the sky, but laying too along the ground, at the side of the road, in the air... Continue Reading →

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