Running Over Challenges

Living in Canada and in and around the Toronto area I have been exposed to some of Buck 65's music which I generally found to be odd (in a 20th century way), yet inspired in a 'yahhhhh progression' sort of way. Being an avid sports fan with baseball near the top of the list, I... Continue Reading →

1930’s Paris And London Calling

"It is altogether curious, your first contact with poverty. You have thought so much about poverty--it is the thing you have feared all your life, the thing you knew would happen to you sooner or later; and it, is all so utterly and prosaically different. You thought it would be quite simple; it is extraordinarily complicated. You thought it... Continue Reading →

Lest We Forget

A Tribute to a Veteran of Vietnam by Julie K. Weber-Torres is labelled as an ode to the heroism of a daughter's father, but after reading I can't help but be amazed by the compassion, resolve and love of a father's daughter. When a parental figure has spent more time out of your life than... Continue Reading →

Stability…….? What’s That?

First off this book is a young adult non-fiction and is intended for the 14 and up demographic while also challenging them to think with a more world view. For me I guess I would fall into the "and up" category and these genre's are generally not one's I'm drawn toward, simply because of my... Continue Reading →

It Takes A Village

Family is a recurring theme throughout the novel, and when I say family I don't mean family as suggested by the government census bureau. In this novel Bernard talks of a family with respect to, how he coined it "mentee's" or mentors throughout his life. From neighbourhood overseers, to adopted pastors found through travels, and... Continue Reading →

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