Slowwww Downnnn

"Increasing numbers of young men, like Rocco, feel the need to treat their bodies as a project whereby they re-invent, re-design, package and brand themselves into valuable commodities in order to compete against other employees, to attain and maintain a job and income, and to gain an identity that their employees can use to their... Continue Reading →

It’s Fun To Be Bad…Sometimes

Sex is the primary subject that connects all four short stories in renowned children's author Roald Dahl's Switch Bitch together. Not just any sex, but for the most part frivolous in nature, at some times life-changing, in other cases mind-numbing, and in rare instances an awakening, but always somewhat fulfilling. There is also a personal... Continue Reading →

March Of The Incorruptibles

"Kafkaesque is when you enter a surreal world in which all you control begins to fall to pieces and you find yourself battling a force that does not lend itself to the way you perceive the world. You don't give up, you don't lay down and die. What you do is struggle with whatever strength... Continue Reading →

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